Fangs for the Mammaries

12/02/2012 07:21

Fangs for the Mammaries


It's a Mel Brooks vampire joke. Like the one about The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music when Mr and Mrs Hill awaken at the sound of the evening's piano after earlier being bitten by Count Dracula. The tune, of course, is Thanks for the Memories; but the vampire connection is still present. I never understood why the blood-drinkers were thought evil because they were the repositories of a collective memory from which a single individual could drink and draw on the collective wisdom of generations of consciousnesses. I guess the argument would be that those lives and memories weren't his own. But it's an interesting myth. Why is the rapacious biting of the throat and drinking of the blood associated with memory?


In Christianity the eating of Christ's body and the drinking of His blood is symbolically enacted in the taking of the bread and the wine. It is a god-eating in which the aspirants seek to be imbued with the miraculous attributes of Christ. Through this incorporation He is remembered as God in us. The faith is in the symbolism: the spiritual belief of becoming as Christ through the process of transubstantiation. In vampirism incorporation is enforced, though it seems to be the same in intent; the preservation of an individual through collective memory. How else could Christ become incarnate in another individual except insofar as it were possible for that individual to remember Him?


It reminded me of the Ourobouros serpent, adopted by Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) as a leitmotif for his developmental psychology. The serpent with its tail in its mouth can be interpreted in two ways - as self-begetting (a mouth birth) or devouring (a truncation). Being bitten by a vampire can indicate birth by mouth, but if the vampire doesn't choose to offer you immortality in its kiss it can leave you as a corpse instead; a truncation of your life's possibilities. Jung interprets the symbol as an archetypal depiction of the individuation process in which unconscious projections are first recognized before being integrated into consciousness - self-birthing through self-absorption. A simple example would be to recognize that a fault we'd supposed in others actually lay in ourselves. The Ourobouros would then be a symbol of rebirth through this circular introjection of projections. Truncation would occur when, for some reason, development was blocked, that is, one's negative projections or shadow continue to be projected and remain unrecognized and unintegrated. The historical vampire was 'Vlad the impaler' (1431-1476), the sometimes ruler of Wallachea (Southern Romania), and so called because he had the anti-social habit of impaling his victims on stakes. A bloodthirsty lack of regard for life indicative of one for whom other human beings are inferior, which is a clear sign of shadow-possession and, it might therefore be concluded, the shadow itself may be the vampire we're seeking.


There is a wrong way and there is a right way we are often told, and it might be argued that the only difference between Jesus and the vampire is one of methodology. The aim of transubstantiation is for God to be incarnated in man, but why would I accept God and reject the path of the vampire who is offering immortality as a participant within a wider collective consciousness or group mind that seems, in large part, to correspond to what God says He has in His mind for us? According to the Bible He turned against both Adam and Lucifer (Luke 10: 18) because they demonstrated an independent will. The myth of the vampire is, therefore, that aspect of man we find most attractive, the free-willed individual bestowing free will on others, while suggesting that aspect of God that we fear, which would reduce us to cyphers, mere zombies, bereft of free will and doomed to see ourselves as puppets. God, like Chronos' devouring of his children before Him, lying in wait only to extinguish our individuality should we aspire to raise our consciousness to His level.

Like the Fallen Lucifer as Satan, the figure of Dracula, 'Prince of Darkness', represents rebellion; a refusal to accept anything less than the body and the blood. A clinging to humanity that is laudable, especially in the light of God's treatment of Job in the Old Testament where first He explains to the man that he's less than a worm in comparison to His own omnipotence and then parades all the destructive powers of nature to illustrate the point.1 Is God incarnate in man, then, only the spectre of nuclear holocaust? Jesus' insistence at the Last Supper that the bread and the wine should be taken as symbols of his body and his blood (Luke 22: 19-20) reflect on his role as an intercessor between man and God, that is, His incarnation in us through the process of transubstantiation is an omission of God or at least an amelioration of His presence. The ambivalent figure of Dracula, then, represents man's desire for humanity - as the body and the blood - and a deep-seated distrust and fear of being taken over and possessed by God.


The antidote to possession, of course, is to be self-possessed, which requires continuation; particularly in terms of memory. There's significance in the similarity between the words 'memory' and 'member' and, though we all see clearly the relationship between remembering and memory, in the myth of the Egyptian god Osiris we see how Isis' collection of the dismembered pieces of his corpse in order to re-member him hints at the importance of the god's remembering, that is, memory, as being an intrinsic aspect of the process of resurrection. In fact it is the god's phallus, found last, that we understand is the most important member in the re-membering of Osiris. Isis remembers him through sex, and it is interesting that Set, the evil god responsible for Osiris' dismemberment, is set against sex because, according to tradition, vampires are incapable of sexual intercourse.

If, as the Catholic Church would have us believe, God frowns on all forms of sexual pleasure - particularly non-reproductive sex - then the sexless vampire would be the apotheosis of possession by God. But, for some reason, they are sexy. It's an oral thing, isn't it? Christians drink the blood in the form of the sacramental wine, and the body is present in the shape of the bread. Eating and drinking is, therefore, what the sexuality inheres in: oral sex. Osiris, as a fertility god, represents the Nile region's new risen wheat and, therefore, bread. In the myth Isis is depicted as using her spittle to fashion Osiris' penis anew. In other words, she performs fellatio and - as well as eating his penis in this way (the body as the bread of life)  - she doubtless also drinks his semen; the intoxicating wine of sex.


'Go forth and multiply' it says in the Bible (Genesis 9: 7) and the continuity of humanity and man's humanity to man is the task of Jesus; to make God human: a part of the eating of the bread and wine (rather than the body and the blood) symbolism. The vampire represents a non-human form of reproduction. Its asexual resurrection of the body through the blood represents not only God's wrath, because Christianity says He disapproves of sexuality, but also the fear that, incarnating God in the body and the blood, means His unleashing as an insatiable vampiristic cannibal whose concern isn't with the maintaining of our humanity but with our subjugation.

A God concerned only with becoming universally incarnate in mankind's billions would have no interest in sexual reproduction. He would have no humanity, which is the fear enshrined in the vampire myth. In the Osiris myth, the god remembers through sex. It is by means of the love of the goddess Isis for his several other members through his phallus that he is re-membered. She's the eternal feminine in man, the anima or soul, whose closest approximation Jung finds in the literary expression of H. Rider Haggard's She (1887) 'who must be obeyed'2; our essence because it's through the physical touch of a woman that we remember ourselves. She, then, is not a vampire. In Haggrad's novel 'She' is the immortal wife of her husband, who is immortal because of She. It is the love of a man for his soul as he finds in it woman that contains the promise that he'll always remember in her arms.


With vampires, the taking of the blood through the body is not always a metaphor for psychic devourment. We are told that it is the way of vampires to offer immortality to their victim or to leave behind a corpse; just as we are asked to accept Jesus into our hearts if we would have immortality or live as the damned and go to hell after our deaths in the Christian myth. Insofar as vampires bite through the flesh to drink the blood it's cannibalistic enough to satisfy Christ's requirement that His body and blood be eaten and drunk by His disciples. But the blood isn't diluted enough. We might remember Christ's turning water into wine for the wedding at Canaan (John 2: 1-3) as an indication that it is sexuality, sexual reproduction and, indeed, sexual orality - at the very least in the form of kissing (with lips wet with wine) between bride and groom - that is being underlined. Wine is the median somewhere between water (urine from the flacid penis) and blood (the engorged penis anticipating orgasm). It is a metaphor for semen, that is, what makes us human; literally. Vampires aren't human except insofar as they desire the body and the blood; and that's man's fear of an incarnated God. He is meant to be humanized by the idea of the wine of orgasm rather than the blood of the vampire in the transubstantiation of Christ.

It is interesting that Osiris' rending into many pieces by Set is because he's the sun god; vampires can't bear sunlight: it kills them. The rending could be symbolic of the multiple personalities of the schizophrenic who feels part of a collective because he has voices and split-off personality components that surface as separate lives. As a split-off personality component - Mr Hyde to Dr Jekyll,3 as it were - a vampire wouldn't want to be eclipsed by the sun of consciousness - as happens to Set when Isis remembers Osiris through his phallus. Vampires drink blood, they don't have sex. When Osiris' phallus is engorged with blood, due to his desire for Isis, 'the god is risen'. We might, therefore, be forgiven for assuming that the existence of vampires is dependant upon their 'host' not having sex or an ego, that is, these split-off components of our totality exist as independent entities by psychologically draining or sucking out the blood from their 'host' in order to prevent the penis from inflating with desire for a woman. In this way they stop one from remembering through Woman, the image of the soul, and that's why we say that, after being bitten by a vampire, a man has lost his soul.


What, then, of Christ as the Holy Spirit? According to Jung, ego, soul and spirit are independent entities. Spirit comes from the shadow in man, the darker parts of us that we prefer not to have associated with our ego and often project onto others so that we see those negative aspects of ourselves in them rather than us. The shadow has to be recognized and integrated into consciousness, that is, it becomes the Holy Spirit, so that we don't crucify each other thanks to our being possessed by a projection.4 The oft-cited example is that of the Germans becoming possessed by their collective shadow in World War II to the extent that six million Jews became victims of an extermination pogrom. The vampire, then, is a man with a shadow berfeft of soul, and the devouring ovens of bodies and blood at Belsen were an expression of what we now associate with the projections of a collective shadow facilitated by a single schizophrenic man - as shadow-possessed vampire -  Adolf Hitler.


In England they used to sing a song 'Hitler has only got one ball [...] his mother, she ate the other; and now he's got no balls at all!' It recognized the fact that war is, basically, men without a woman, and that the penis is the root of all caring in man; which the German leader didn't. Loss of soul is to do with lack of feeling for others and, according to Jung, in a man there are four functions of consciousness; 'Sensation', 'Thinking', 'Intuition' and 'Feeling': two masculine or ego-related functions and two feminine or anima as soul-related functions with 'Feeling' often the least developed or differentiated associated with the shadow as inferior function.5 A woman corresponding to a man's soul or anima is required if he is to integrate his shadow and incorporate his inferior function of 'Feeling' into a totality of conscious wholeness.

The penis as the crucial missing member in Isis' process of remembering Osiris is, therefore, because it is through desire for Woman that Man remembers, and remembering is not what Set, Satan, or Dracula 'Prince of Darkness' want. Is the shadow, then, the Anti-Christ that John (19: 20) writes of in Revelation? If so, then Christianity is guilty of what the Greeks termed enantiodromia: a one-sided over-weighting in favour of a particular belief or system that results in its exact opposite. In Christianity, an overemphasis on spirituality has made a demon of sex. Sexual love has become the Antichrist because the remembering of our wholeness is dependant on sexual desire. Satan has won. 'God is love' Jesus explicitly states in The New Testament of the Bible, but Christianity's lop-sidedness insists that that love can only be spiritual, so leaving us open to schizophrenic tendencies in ourselves and our culture.
The penis can only inflate when it fills with blood so, it would be logical now to assume, vampires seek to drink that blood to prevent the penis' inflation. It would seem redundant to make the obvious assertion that it is Isis' sucking of Osiris' penis that engorges it with blood. But, in some states in the USA, fellatio is ranked as 'sodomy' and punishable by a prison term. This is what we mean by enantiodromia: oral sex is the Antichrist even to mainstream Christians but the truth is that Christianity has become Antichristian insofar as the demonization of sexual love has resulted in a schizophrenic society and individuals that are both vampiristic and vampiristically preyed upon in the sense that they are conditioned by taboos against the expressions of sexuality to hide the fact of the penis' very existence on the one hand and, on the other, exploit the rarified existence it is forced to lead in the form of pornography and pornographers.

The furore that surrounded the publication of Madonna's Sex, a 'pornographic' book! Ms Ciccone's choice of her name showed incredible awareness of her time and place in history. A 'madonna' is what the Virgin Mary is; the mother of Christ. (Matthew 1: 25) In the Revelation of St. John the Divine, the final book of the New Testament, a new redeemer is proclaimed, born of a woman 'clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet'  (Revelation 12:1). According to Jung the woman and her child represent a change in human consciousness symbolized by the coming together of the male and female principles of Eros and Logos in the symbolic shape of the sun and the moon.6


It's a rapprochement that recalls the figure of Lilith who, according to Jewish tradition,7 was given by God to Adam as his first wife but she refused to submit to his ego and left him. Eve, Adam's second wife, was given by God's creating her from the man's side so that she'd never leave him. It's a classic foreshadowing of a future development in consciousness. Lilith represents gender equality while Eve is the figure of the anima that, projected from a man's side as his soul image, begins the process of guiding him to that male-female complementarity which is  the fruition of Jung's individuation process. That's why, in Jewish tradition, it's Lilith in the form of the serpent (rather than Satan) that persuades Eve to give Adam the fruit of the tree. In Hinduism, of course, consciousness-developing Kundalini power is represented by twin male and female serpents (skin-shedding symbols of rebirth and renewal) intertwining up the spine as they energize its chakras during sex.

Madonna is just one of a recent constellation of female stars, including Christina Aguilera and Shakira (the Woman in Revelation is depicted with a circle of stars about her head) that have tapped into a need for a fuller expression of sexuality without taboos as a means of breaking down the barriers between the sexes that Christianity has sought to erect over the course of two millennia. The shadow or negative aspect of Christianity is perfectly represented in Revelation by the dragon that waits beneath the moon at the woman's feet to devour the new redeemer as soon as it is born. (Revelation 12: 3) It's reminiscent of the vampire, Draco; the sublunary creature Dracula that can't live with the sun and seeks to prey upon humankind through Eros. We might think of the vampire as sexually repressive Christianity's production of Antichristian perversities such as pedophilia and snuff films because it wants us to pretend that we haven't got a penis and to hide it. In the Osiris myth it is the penis which is 'hidden' from Isis, the moon goddess and Eros' representative. Only when the penis is found is the sun god re-membered. In Christian terms, it has to be remembered that 'God is love' and that the penis is the male expression of physical love. Only then will God be safely remembered in Man through His love for Woman. In effect what Madonna did with Sex was rediscover the penis that had been lost.8 To some Christians she's the Great Whore of the apocalypse (Revelation 17: 5), but to others she's an archetype of Woman that seeks man's rebirth through a users approach to sex and sexuality.


Tantric or sex yoga seeks to activate the chakra ladder; that series of neural linkages along the spine that, conjoined, represent a remembering that could correspond to Isis' rebirthing of Ra the sun god as Horus after his dismemberment as Osiris because of the vampire-like Set that didn't want God to be remembered as/in Man. The Egyptian mythologem is a Trinity, a precursor to that of the Father (Ra), Son (Osiris), and Holy Spirit (Horus as sky god) of Christianity. The evil god Set/Satan doesn't want Osiris to remember through Isis as representative of eternal Woman because then he would be as God. This is what belief in transubstantiation is really about; Christ is remembered in us through the operations of the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit which represents shadow-integration (bread) through the mediation of the anima or soul (wine)9 as the Virgin Mary who fills the Isis role in the Christian myth.


In recent popular literature, particularly Julian May's stories of The Many Coloured Land (1981) we have come to know the term chakra vampire,10 that is, the notion that vampires feed on chakras, the seven energy points located along the spine from the base to a point situated someplace above the top of the head. It is the opinion of experts that most people only ever reach the level of consciousness that the third chakra represents, somewhere in the region of the abdomen. It is associated with the family, reproduction, and a working life that doesn't require much spiritual or intellectual nourishment. If there were chakra vampires among us, psychic or otherwise, then the human species' reduction to this level of psychic development would be a concomitant of their existence. They wouldn't, of course, want us to achieve that chakra level at which we could remember them because then our enemies would be recognized.


Auras are widely recognized as indicative of chakra activation levels, and studies have shown that there are individuals among us that, either consciously or unconsciously, exist as 'psychic vampires',11 that is, there are people around whom others feel debilitated or run down while those they share space with during the day - or at other times - feel energized or elated. Researchers, having compared the auras of such people, noted that those who felt symptoms of weakness had what they described as 'puncture wounds' in their auras which tended toward discolouration and blackness. They concluded that the stronger group were vampiristically feeding on the energies of the weakening group. For the weaker group it seems clear that, as their chakra level of functioning decreases, so too would their consciousness of what was happening to them. They would fall into the category of unconscious victims and, in a very short time, take on those apathetic characteristics we have come - from intuitive films like Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1956) in which humans are taken over in their sleep and The Puppet Masters (1994) in which we are taken over by 'slugs' attaching themselves to the spine - to associate with a group of zombie-like individuals possessed by a collective consciousness that would correspond to the mass-mindedness of those for whom marriage, reproduction and wage-slavery are the only stuff of life.12 As the panic stricken character of Dr Miles Bennell in Invasion of the Body Snatchers cries out in desparation at the end of the movie: 'They're already here! You're next.'

  In the paradisical Garden of Eden, Man is tempted to eat of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil so that he would be like God who had forbidden Man to eat it. (Genesis 3: 22) It is interesting that the tempter is disguised as a serpent (Genesis 3: 5) because, in Hinduism, the activating principle of the chakra system is Kundalini or serpent power, the chakras becoming energized as the twin male (symbologically Satan) and female (Lilith) Kundalini serpents rise up at the base of the spine and, entwining themselves about the spinal column in their progress, represent the individual's raising of consciousness to the level of the lotus chakra above the top of the head, which we might interpret as the fruit in the Garden of Eden that Man was forbidden to eat in order to know.


 As to what this knowledge might consist in, we can speculate. In modern Luciferianism (Satan is Lucifer Fallen or the Hidden Light) Lucifer and Lilith combine in sex to become the hermaphroditic Baphomet,13 symbol of internal psychological bisexuality and external complementarity (male ego + feminine anima as Lilith or man's Eros principle and female ego + masculine animus or Lucifer as woman's Logos principle). In this union Lucifer represents the ofttimes labyrinthine power of the revelatory female will. Kabbalists of the Middle Ages wrote of the 'Blind Dragon'14 which brings about the union of Lilith with her consort, a reference to the negative capability of the collective shadow (fascism, racism, ethnic cleansing) to force man into developing a higher level of consciousness. According to Jewish tradition Lilith was originally 'contained in the man', that is, Adam, but God separates her from him. When Adam refuses her equality she calls on the name of God and disappears. She represents the lost possibilities of that complementarity of male-femaleness which a chauvinist will always lack. Adam and Eve's main concern is with their nakedness after eating the forbidden fruit: a recognition of separateness and the beginnings of that ascendancy of the male Logos - the apotheosis of which is the spectre of nuclear holocaust - as well as the quest for balanced relationships that the anima figure Eve - as Adam's now externalized Eros principle - represents.


Psycho-symbolically, the spine represents the serpent as the instinct to climb to higher consciousness and develop conscience, which requires moral judgement. Interestingly, God says that, having knowledge of good and evil, man can never eat of the fruit of immortality, and he tells Adam 'I will put enmity... between your offspring and hers [Eve's] .. (Genesis 3: 15). It's a question that has puzzled generations: why does God do this? In fact, He doesn't. What is being recognized here is that man has developed a shadow. One of the first things Adam does is blame Eve for his eating of the fruit: 'The woman tempted me and I did eat.' (Genesis 3: 12) It's a classic shadow-projection of blameworthiness in oneself projected onto another person. The enmity that arises from the projections of the collective shadow can be seen as the cause of every conflict between men ever since; particularly the Nazis belief that the Jews were an inferior race and subject to pogroms on the strength of it.

This is clearly the reason why man can't have immortality. It's to do with memory; an immortal individual would have a lot to remember: but an ephemeral wouldn't. If God were to put enmity between us as a species then it were best that our enmities weren't perpetuated as immortals. It was clearly God's intention to make us immortal, but not after our gaining knowledge of good and evil. Reading between the lines, we might say that, in order to develop a higher consciousness, man had to behave in ways that were evil as well as good and, in recognition of this, God despairingly understood that enmity would result, and therefore made man mortal so that enmities wouldn't be perpetuated eternally. Transubstantiation would then be that process whereby God being remembered in us means the continuity of memories from one ephemeral existence to the next. Supposing that, when this body dies, the spirit is reborn again in a newborn infant. It is only the fact that that individual would have its own memories which precludes it from remembering previous existences (a bit like having only so much space on your hard disk) and to remember would be to invite past enmities.

This is why Christianity focuses on forgiveness and amelioration. For man to be as God would be to remember that we are immortal but inhabit ephemeral bodies. To remember the enemies of previous lives would be to invite the perpetuation of enmity; which is why Christ breaks bread with Judas and offers him wine from his own cup. The bread and the wine - in a very real sense - symbolize the body and the blood of Jesus murdered by Judas' betrayal. But the meaning is one of forgiveness and the offer is one of immortality to he who knows how to forgive and accept forgiving so that enmity is not perpetuated.
To accept Christ is to become immortal and one with God, which would be frightening if one hadn't accepted the Christian message of love; otherwise we'd remember our immortal selves and start looking for the enemies we'd also remembered. Vampires are always portrayed as the immortal enemies of mankind. Perhaps that's their symbolic significance. The immortality they offer is perpetual enmity because they haven't accepted the bread and the wine. With them it's about the body and the blood in the way of Judas - betrayal and murder - and, according to legend, Judas' house is cursed to continue as a branch of vampirism. The first vampire, traditionally, was the murderer Cain, who was given 'the power of the blood' by Lilith after being marked by God. First wife of Adam and refused sexual equality by Cain's father, Lilith represents woman's seeking to obtain parity for Eros alongside that of Logos - often glorified as the Sword of masculinity in the Bible - by supportng the one-sidedness of a male egoism that brings possession by the shadow (the vampire), war and death in order to underline the need for love as counterbalancing female principle. 

Cain, of course, was the first murderer; of his brother Abel. The reason being that God wasn't happy with his offering of fruit (Genesis 4: 3); but he was happy with his brother Abel's offering of an animal sacrifice - body and blood. It was fruit, of course, that Adam and Eve ate, which made God so unhappy He refused them immortality and condemned the fruit of their seed to possession by the collective shadow and eternal enmity. Clearly there is a part of us we call God that is bloodthirsty and needs must become civilized.

Structural anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss (1908 -) in The Raw and the Cooked (1969) observes that there are indications of man's climb to higher consciousness in the food he eats; fruit is at the lowest cultural level because it requires no preparation, whereas meat represents a higher level when it is cooked. Bread and wine represent the next highest level of culture because they are made by man; but, according to Levi-Strauss, the highest level of culture is, paradoxically, where we allow products like milk, for example, to rot in order to produce yoghurt.15


Christ on the cross was given vinegar to drink (Matthew 27: 48); which is 'rotten' wine: indicative of a high level of culture and the heights of consciousness that man had arrived at in the figure of Christ who, at the Last Supper, asks the disciples to accept bread and wine - representative of man's civilized nature - instead of His body and blood. Flesh, however, which so satisfied God when offered by Abel (and which results in Cain's slaying of his brother), again satisfies Him in the figure of the crucified Christ. The vinegar, therefore, is a symbol of Christ's transcending of God's rottenness, that is, what is best in man as opposed to what is worst.

Christ died celibate, the soured wine also representing his semen. In being offered vinegar by the Roman soldier,  he symbolically has his lips taunted with the taste of his own bitter sperm: a life of transcendent self-denial to discover that God's a sadist and one's Self's a masochist (which amounts to the same thing in Jung's psychology because he views God as an archetype of the Self). The bitterness also suggests a sexual connection between Eden's forbidden fruit that hasn't turned to wine but is become vinegar on the lips of Christ on the tree of the cross. It's a symbolism that, in effect, accuses Adam of performing self-fellatio in Eden. The serpent and the fruit of the tree (penis is 'branch' in some languages) is Adam's penis' bulb. The wine of orgasm now become vinegar (it is an attribute of Adam's legendary first wife Lilith that she turns wine to vinegar) is therefore symbolic of Adam's semen on the lips of Christ because, as the ourobouric Alpha and Omega, Jesus is the Anthropos. Psychologically, Adam's first wife Lilith represents the equal reality of woman that the first man Adam can't accept while Eve is the projection of himself onto a woman that he can't have because it's not realistic. He can only love and have sex with himself as a projection of his anima. Anthropologically, love means kissing; which says 'I'm not going to eat you, but you're that desirable!' For one in love with a projection of himself, the truest expression of such masturbatory self-love must therefore be self-fellation. Hence Adam's 'expulsion' from Eden for tasting the 'forbidden fruit' that is desire of oneself rather than love for another. Eve's vagina is, at least in psychological terms, merely a projection of Adam's own mouth. With Christ as transcendent celibate we come, as it were, full circle. He becomes God's ultimate patsy as the vinegar symbolizing ejaculate on his lips signifies only the sterile bitterness of aloof spiritual self-love.


It's a manifestation of the Ourobouros archetype. According to Jung archetypes exist in man's collective unconscious as facultas praeformandi, the purpose of which become visible in the course of our conscious development. One such example is that of the German scientist, Friedrich August Kekulé, who in 1865 dreamt of the Ourobouros archetype and, in the morning, found in it the solution to the puzzle of the structure of the benzine molecule he'd been working on. Adam's having oral sex with himself would then be viewable as an early manifestation of the Ourobouros archetype. A short step from penis or '

serpent' worship, but also the first archetypal urgings towards the development of instinct through the shadow side of human nature. Jung's psychology imbues the shadow with volatile - because inchoate - strugglings of the unconscious to become conscious; but the shadow itself represents that instinctual aspect of man which is closest to the developmental archetypes. Self-fellation would then be the first stirrings of the ourobouric desire to achieve self-differentiation or individuation through the projection-making factor that is the unconscious-Self. 'The woman tempted me and I did eat' (Genesis 3: 12) would then refer to Eve's first fellating Adam and his imitating of her (perhaps with his hand's fingers as a substitute for the sentience of prehensile lips and tongue). A separation of the sun of his consciousness from the moon of hers, eclipsed by the shadow of serpentine developmental instinct.

God sentenced man to live 'by the sweat of his brow', which would correspond to that chakra level at which family, reproduction, and work  are the sum of our aspirations. We might think of the penis as both tempting serpent, and fruit-bearing branch of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; the knowledge being that, to aspire as Adam and Christ did, is only to incur the truncating wrath of the collective shadow in the shape of war and persecution. It is the realization that, in accordance with Levi-Strauss' structuralism, the Garden would have produced wine but for the sourness - symbolized by the vinegar on Christ's lips - of man's knowing that God - archetype of man's Self - prefers sacrificed flesh and blood (Gettysburg, the Somme, Guernica, Mi Li, Srebrenica) to what man is able to cultivate for himself or make of himself.


1 Carl Gustav Jung 'Answer to Job' (1952), Psychology and Religion: West and East, The Collected Works translated by R. F. C. Hull (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London), Vol. 11.

2 H. Rider Haggard She  (Penguin, London, 1985)

3 Robert Louis Stevenson Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ( Signet, New York, [1886] 2003).

4 C. G. Jung  'The Fight with the Shadow' (1946), CW, Vol. 10.

5 C. G. Jung Psychological Types (1920), CW, Vol. 6.

6 C. G. Jung 'Answer to Job' (1952), CW, Vol. 11.

7 The Alphabet of Ben Sira (Salonica, 1514), question #5 (23 a-b).

8 Madonna Ciccone Sex (Maverick, 1992).

9 C. G. Jung 'Transformation Symbolism in the Mass' (1942/1954), CW, Vol. 11.

10 Julian May The Many Coloured Land (Nelson Doubleday, New York, 1982).

11 Joe H. Slate Psychic Vampires: Protection from Energy Predators and Parasites (Llewellyn Publications, 2002).

12 Robert A. Heinlein The Puppet Masters (Doubleday, New York, 1951).

13 Robert Stills Church of Lucifer

14 Alan Humm Lilith, Samael and Blind Dragon

15 Claude Levi-Strauss The Raw and the Cooked, Mythologiques (University of Chicago Press, 1983) Vol.1.